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The Transactions P of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

ISO Journal TitleTrans. P of KIEE
  • Indexed by
    Korea Citation Index(KCI)
Title Comparison of Battery Current Measurement Methods and Fuel Economy of the Electric Vehicle at the Real Driving Conditions
Authors 이상현(Sang-Hyun Lee) ; 한만배(Manbae Han)
Page pp.269-274
ISSN 1229-800X
Keywords Electric vehicle; Battery; Driving mode; Fuel economy; Current measurement
Abstract As the number of electric vehicles is increasing, various studies such as driving motors, batteries, and charging systems have been conducted. To perform these studies, battery pack current measurement is a prerequisite. In general, battery pack current can be measured by installing an ammeter. If we access to OBD via CAN communication, the current offered by the BMS can be read.
The first method is cumbersome and risky to install the ammeter and measure current due to the usage of the high-voltage cable.
For the second method, the current data is output from the BMS and thus easy to acquire it if available to access CAN DB. In this study the current consumption was compared based on these two current measurement methods. To compare the current consumption, an electric vehicle was run on the chassis dynamometer at three driving modes such as ASM2525, UDDS and US06 reflecting various driving conditions. Furthermore, the fuel economy was calculated with such test modes. The difference of current consumption between two measurement methods was comparable and the fuel economy was the highest in the order of ASM2525, UDDS and US06.