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The Transactions P of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

ISO Journal TitleTrans. P of KIEE
  • Indexed by
    Korea Citation Index(KCI)
Title Characteristics of Expanded-CLMS Algorithm for Performance Improvement in ANC Systems for Road Noise Calming
Authors 문학룡(Moon, Hak-ryong) ; 손진근(Shon, Jin-geun)
Page pp.169-174
ISSN 1229-800X
Keywords Acoustic feedback ; ANC(active noise control) ; Convergence speed ; Correlation LMS(least mean square ; CLMS) ; Expanded CLMS ; FxLMS ; Road noise situation
Abstract Noise problem that occurs on the road is raising a lot of problems in the economic, social and environmental aspects. The active noise control (ANC) systems based on the filtered-X least mean square(FxLMS) algorithm have a problem with compensating the acoustic feedback of secondary route. However, newly proposed correlation-LMS(CLMS) and expanded CLMS algorithms have slightly much calculation and are minutely behind performance, these have a advantage not in measuring transfer function onerously so that we can easily adapt these in real time. The CLMS and expanded CLMS algorithm was developed to improve the real-time implementation performance under the variable input noise such as road noise environment. In this paper, we compared and analyzed their performance. From the results of the Matlab simulation for an ANC system, it is shown that expanded CLMS algorithms are more convergence speed and keep the desirable performance even in the input of road noise situation.