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The Transactions P of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

ISO Journal TitleTrans. P of KIEE
  • Indexed by
    Korea Citation Index(KCI)
Title A Study on Tuning Factor(δ) and Quality Factor(Q) Values in Design of Single-Tuned Passive Harmonic Filters
Authors 조영식(Cho, Young-Sik) ; 차한주(Cha, Han-Ju)
Page pp.64-70
ISSN 1229-800X
Keywords Passive Filter ; Harmonic ; Passive Harmonic Filter ; Tuning Factor ; Quality Factor
Abstract This paper presents how to decide on tuning factor({\delta}) and quality factor(Q) values in design of single-tuned passive harmonic filters. Tuning factor({\delta}) and quality factor(Q) values have to consider before decision on circuit parameters of passive filters. A Study on these two value has not been scarcely performed and only experienced values has been used in passive harmonic filter design by far. As a experienced value, in cases of 5th and 7th filter, tuning factor({\delta}) is about 0.94 and 0.96 respectively and quality factor(Q) is, in all cases of, 50. If Single-tuned passive harmonic filter will be off-tuned, performance of filter will be decreased steeply and occur to parallel resonance between system reactance and filter capacitance. Therefore During the operation, In order not to off-tuning, Filter must be tuned at former order than actual tuning order. This is the same that total impedance of filter must have a reactive impedance. In this paper, Tuning factor({\delta}) is decided via example of real system and using the bode-plot and then performance of filters confirmed by filter current absorbtion rate. And Quality factor(Q) decided using the bode plot in example system and then performance of filters confirmed by filter current absorbtion rate also, which makes a calculated filter parameters to satisfy IEEE-519 distortion limits. Finally, Performance of the designed passive harmonic filter using the tuning factor({\delta}) and quality factor(Q) values, decided in this paper is verified by experiment and shows that 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th and 13th current harmonic distortions are decreased within IEEE-519 distortion limits, respectively.