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The Transactions P of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

ISO Journal TitleTrans. P of KIEE
  • Indexed by
    Korea Citation Index(KCI)
Title Development and Evaluation of 3-terminal Type Capacitive Sensor for the Diagnosis of Electrical Insulating Oil
Authors 김주한(Kim, Ju-Han) ; 한상옥(Han, Sang-Ok)
Page pp.476-482
ISSN 1229-800X
Keywords Insulating Oil ; Aging ; Relative Permittivity ; 3-Terminal Electrodes ; Capacitive Sensor
Abstract This paper describes the development of capacitive sensor for the diagnosis of liquid dielectrics, which is widely used as the electrical insulating oil of transformer, circuit breaker, cable and etc. To survey the dielectric properties of the virgin and aged electrical insulating oils, we utilized the highly precise measuring system, using the principle of cross capacitance. The measured properties were used to determine the design factors of the sensor. Then the factors were optimized with the help of computational analysis. To evaluate diagnosis by the sensor, we performed accelerated thermal aging test about electrical insulating oils. The condition of aged specimens were investigated by measurements of relative permittivity i.e. capacitance change by capacitive sensor. And to evaluate the hysteresis characteristics with the change of temperature, we constructed a testing system, which was composed with vacuum drying oven, oil chamber and measuring instruments, such as LCR meter, MUX and so forth. Through the results of this investigation, we confirmed the superior characteristics of the newly developed sensor.