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The Transactions P of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

ISO Journal TitleTrans. P of KIEE
  • Indexed by
    Korea Citation Index(KCI)
Title The Development of Flood Protection System for Pad Transformer using Pneumatic Pressure
Authors 김기현(Kim, Gi-Hyun) ; 이상익(Lee, Sang-Ick) ; 배석명(Bae, Seok-Myung) ; 정찬웅(Jung, Chan-Oong) ; 이재용(Lee, Jae-Yong)
Page pp.90-94
ISSN 1229-800X
Keywords Flood Protection System ; Pneumatic Pressure ; Pad Transformer
Abstract The inundation of substation and ground power equipment breaks out every summer season in low-lying downtown and low-lying shore by localized heavy rain, typhoon and tidal wave. For diminishing flood damage of electrical equipment in the root, flood protection system which is used the basic frame of Pad transformer is developed using pneumatic pressure. This system is established on pressure generator equipment and sensor of flooded level operates at flooding occurrence and is maintained a shutting tightly structure. The system is able to protect indraft water in Pad Transformer and supply the electricity at emergency(flooding). And we tested safety for insulation resistance at flooding and applying an electrical current. We estimate that loss cost which is caused by with flooding and the power failure will be diminished if it is addition to advances the reliability evaluation by setting an example.