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The Transactions P of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

ISO Journal TitleTrans. P of KIEE
  • Indexed by
    Korea Citation Index(KCI)
Title Evaluation for Ratio Error of Voltage Transformer Comparator using Standard Resistors
Authors 한상길(Han, Sang-Gil) ; 김윤형(Kim, Yoon-Hyoung) ; 정재갑(Jung, Jae-Kap) ; 한상옥(Han, Sang-Ok)
Page pp.412-416
ISSN 1229-800X
Keywords Voltage Transformer Comparator ; Ratio Error ; WRE VT
Abstract We have developed the calibration technique of the VT comparator using nonreactive standard resistors, which evaluates both accuracy and linearity of the VT comparator by comparing experimental values with theoretical values. The correction values of VT comparator obtained by using both our method and wide ratio error VT are consistent within the expanded uncertainty. Furthermore the specification for ratio error of VT comparator have been revaluated.