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The Transactions P of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

ISO Journal TitleTrans. P of KIEE
  • Indexed by
    Korea Citation Index(KCI)
Title Evaluation Technique for Ratio Error of Current Transformer Comparator
Authors 김윤형(Kim, Yoon-Hyoung) ; 한상길(Han, Sang-Gil) ; 정재갑(Jung, Jae-Kap) ; 한상옥(Han, Sang-Ok)
Page pp.291-295
ISSN 1229-800X
Keywords Current Transformer ; CT Comparator ; CT Test System ; Ratio Error ; Correction
Abstract We have developed an evaluation technique for ratio errors of current transformer (CT) comparator by using the precise standard capacitors. By applying this technique for equivalent circuit of CT comparator evaluation system, we can obtain the calculated and measured ratio errors in the CT comparator. Thus we can evaluate ratio errors of CT comparator by comparing the calculated and measured ratio errors. Because this method requires only the standard capacitors, it is simple and easy method to reliability and accuracy maintenance of CT comparator. The method was applied to CT comparator under test with the ratio error ranges of 0{\sim}{\pm}10%. The ratio error of the CT comparator under test theoretically obtained in this method are consistent with that measured for same CT comparator under test by using wide ratio error CT within an estimated expanded uncertainty (k = 2) in the overall ratio error ranges.